Christopher Adolph on the politics of central banking

Yesterday I put out a post about central bankers as Niskanen style bureaucrats. I decided that I would look a bit more into the topic. In my browsing for more on this topic a ran into a (revised?) Ph.D. dissertation by Christopher Adolph who is now an assistant professor of political science at the University of Washington, Seattle.The title of the disserttion is “The Dilemma of Discretion: Career Ambitions and the Politics of Central Banking”

I have not yet had time to read it all, but my initial impression is that Adolph provides some very interesting insides to what motivates central bankers, but have a look for yourselves.

Adolph also has new book in the pipeline: “The Myth of Neutrality: Bankers, Bureaucrats, and Central Bank Politics” which will be published by Cambridge University Press.